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Market research solutions, enabling Strategy Decisions!

Brand Trace
The questions are obvious but the answers are not!
What is my company/brand trace in the market?
What about competitors’ relative trace?
Brand Strengths vs Weaknesses?
How close is my brand to the clients?
What do my clients think/perceive for my brand/company?
Brand Trace is designed to describe the trace of your company/brand. The idea is to build up a well defined trace and not a blur of values, with no connection and clarity.
Our approach is a successful blend of fundamental
equity market research principles, together with advanced statistical analysis, all based on the most updated marketing codes.

Eye Witness
What is the value of ethnography in business?
In the corporate world, the term ethnography has come to be equated with virtually any qualitative research project where the intent is to provide a detailed, in-depth description of everyday life and practice. This is not real ethnography though!
Ethnography generates understandings of culture & behaviour through depiction of what can be described as the “insider’s point of view.”
The emphasis is thus on allowing critical categories and meanings to emerge solely from the ethnographic encounter: organic, naturally occurring, real time observation and/or participation, on location!
“Corporate ethnography isn’t just for innovation anymore. It’s central to gaining a full understanding of your customers and the business itself. The ethnographic work at my company, Intel, and other firms now informs functions such as strategy and long-range planning.”
Ken Anderson, Intel, Harvard Business Review

Idea Originator
Ever stuck with strategy decisions?
Sometimes, all the information and the
recommendations are in place, but still, there is “noise”, too many leads…
Idea Originator has been shaped across the principles of design thinking and creative ideation, which are tools used by the design industry.
Idea Originator combines qualitative techniques, decision making models and business theory, so as to arrive at a specific, tangible and sustainable solution for every strategy problem, you and your teams may encounter.
Design Thinking: The essential ability to combine empathy, creativity and rationality to meet user needs and drive business success!
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